Welcome to the Northern Virginia Chapter

The Fall member plant sale will be at the Beck residence on September 14th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Cultivars for sale are posted here. In addition, we will have a large number of young deciduous azaleas that have not yet bloomed for only $5.00 each.

Klimavicz Front Yard, photo by J. Klimavicz

The Northern Virginia Chapter of the Azalea Society of America (ASA) is an active organization comprised of horticulture enthusiasts with a particular interest in azaleas. Our chapter is comprised mainly of members in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. which is where the bulk of our activities occur. Members of the ASA also have the opportunity to participate in annual conventions located in various parts of the country and receive a subscription to The Azalean, the ASA magazine.

We have an active calendar of events including speakers, garden visits, plant purchasing trips, cutting exchanges and other social activities. We also hold fund raisers, which not only allow us to support our programs and to introduce unique and rare varieties of azaleas to the general public, but also enable us to raise funds to support local gardens and garden programs.

Barbara Kirkwood
Northern Virginia Chapter President